28th August, 2016
On June 12 of this year, Tom was contacted by Angela Di Bello, Director of the Agora Gallery, of Chelsea, New York City. Following Tom's submission of his artwork, Angela stated in an email to Tom, "your work and accomplished technique of captured light as the primary visceral element that captures and enforces your style of idealized realism, qualifies your work for Agora Gallery representation". The representation included a 'showing' on the main floor of the Gallery, together with a one year representation of Tom's artwork, including Internet Exposure, Advertising, PR and Professional Guidance. Though this would have been a significant opportunity for Tom's work to be exposed internationally, Tom has decided to decline for the present because of personal commitments, but is open to this opportunity in the near future. He is very grateful to Angela and her team for her generous appraisal of his work.
20th November, 2016
Tom received a second invitation to exhibit his paintings, in an email from the Gallery Director Angela Di Bello. She said in part:"I hope that this email finds you well. As you may recall, some time ago, I determined that your artwork would resonate well with our audience and sent you an invitation to avail yourself of our promotional services.Our current street level Chelsea location is presenting greater exhibition flexibility for several of the upcoming months. I am delighted to be able to offer you promotion with an exhibition at a substantial discount over the regular fee. Attached please find the special representation agreement. The exhibition must take place at one of the below dates - please indicate your preferred date on the agreement "..At present, Tom is again considering Angela's invitation, and has expressed his appreciation for Angela's kind remarks and interest in his Artwork.